Vebego Component Library


<div class="mol-title title-underline">
    <span class="atm-heading h-subtitle">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</span>

    <span class="atm-heading h1">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</span>

<div class="mol-title {{#if underline}}title-underline{{/if}}">
    {{#if subtitle}}
    {{ render '@heading--subtitle' subtitle merge=true }}
    {{ render '@heading' heading merge=true }}
  "heading": {
    "tag": "span",
    "modifier": "h1"
  "subtitle": {},
  "underline": true
  • Content:
    .mol-title {
        @apply relative;
        @apply mb-2;
        &.title-underline {
            &:after {
                content: '';
                @apply absolute;
                @apply -bottom-2;
                @apply left-0;
                @apply block;
                @apply w-16 h-0.5;
                @apply bg-cta;
  • URL: /components/raw/title/title.css
  • Filesystem Path: src\components\03-molecules\title\title.css
  • Size: 323 Bytes

No notes defined.